About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

9:18 PM

Lysander Elizabeth Blight


Lysander Elizabeth Blight
Robes: Healer Track Character
2042 - Present

Nicknames: N/A
Age: 28
Star Sign: Libra
Place of Birth: Cornwall, England
Current Residence: Cornwall, England
National Insurance Number: LL 34 42 25 O
Sex: F
Marital Status: Single
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 128 lbs
Heritage: Half-Blood
Position: Intern, First Floor (Or Fourth floor, whichever works)


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 2053 - 2060
Gryffindor House

Potions E
Ancient Runes P
Arithmancy P
History of Magic E
Transfiguration E
Charms E
Defense Against the Dark Arts E
Astronomy E
Herbology E
Care of Magical Creatures O
Divination E

Family: Belonging to a family of five, Lysander is the middle child, overshadowed by her two bubbly and charismatic sisters ever since she could remember. Her father, Hubert Blight, an ex muggle construction worker, was the bread winner of the family. Lysander’s Mother, Mrs. Nydia Blight functioned as a stay at home mother until her daughters moved out on their own. Currently, she works as a freelance writer of magical romance novels in an attempt to make ends meet.

Background: Lysander was supposed to be a boy, according to her parents. It was the reasoning behind her misleading first name. Her magical mother was startled yet delighted to find out that their second child was also a daughter. A child is a gift, no matter what, she would say; however, Lysa’s Father would occasionally grumble about the lack of testosterone to balance out the estrogen in the household. Comfortable with being away from her parent’s scrutinizing eyes, Lysa focused on her academics well aware that she could not defeat her sisters with her personality. If she could not win her family’s affection kindly, then in the very least, she could win their respect with hard work. Although, Lysander did quite well in school, it wasn’t easy. One wrought with what seemed cronic daydreaming, it was difficult for her to concentrate on homework and studying for long periods of time which led her to try to destroy any distractions that could affect her goals; making friends wasn’t an option.

After graduating from Hogwarts, basically unperceived, Lysa spent a few years helping her father with odd jobs. Needless to say, she’s quite adept with a hammer and a saw. In that time span she picked up the hobby of wood working, earning herself a few extra galleons selling her wooden magical creatures. An attempt to charm a particularly adorable blast-ended skrewt model cost her half of right pinky finger. The Healers were unable to re-grow the lost bone.

In a sudden turn of events, an accident at the construction site where her father was working left the man incapacitated. Her sisters, too busy wrapped up in their own personal (I.e. romantic) life, left Lysander with the sole responsibility for tending after her parents. Interest spurted by her own life experience of tending after her sick father, Lysa took it upon herself to become a Healer in hopes of sustaining her parents and relieve their economical worries in the long run. It was, after all, the very least she could do for the people who brought her to this world.

Even if they still mention every once in a while that story about how she was supposed to be a boy.

Personality: Although she wouldn’t consider herself a sociopath, Lysander prefers to keep relations strictly business. If there is nothing of grave importance to discuss it is best not to speak at all. Mindless chit chat about the passing grey cloud, or how heavily congested the floo network was this morning are things of neither interest or benefit to her person.

She tries very hard to be neat and organized but fails greatly and is often found mumbling about her lost quill when all the time, it is trapped somewhere inside her curly dark hair.

Likes: The color green, silver ornaments, feathers, wood, cheese puffs (artificial coloring and all), and wizard wrock.

Dislikes: Fur, blinking lights, squeaky shoes and touchy individuals.

Pets: N/A

Allergies: N/A

Other Details: Secretly dreamed of becoming a Professional Quidditch Player.
8:41 PM

Boulevard Brandywine


Boulevard Brandywine

Tutshill Tornadoes Keeper
Hogwarts Night Class Character
2053 - Present

Nickname/Alias: Boule (Pronounced: Boo-Leh, thankyouverymuch) ; Lord Vardywine; Dr. Levard Bran of the Badger Scientists Association
Age: 19
DOB: April 10th, 2054
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Education: Birdscar School of Wizardry and Alchemy (2066 - 2071)Other Defining Features: Is missing the ring finger of his right hand thanks to a tragic potions accident and has a piercing on his left earlobe.

Personality: The youngest of the Brandywine Triplets, Boulevard is a bit of an introvert. Relying on potion making for entertainment, Boulevard is always manipulating his brothers into some kind of crazy plot or the other cooked up by his overly paranoid mind. Despite his paranoia he is, in fact, quite naïve. Boule takes everything literally leading to many misunderstandings—and, well; it’s all elevated by again his paranoia and over-active imagination. Despite his Larger-Than-Life ego, Boulevard doesn’t mind talking your ear off even if you have no idea WHAT he is talking about. Being the least sportiest of his brothers he watches them play Quidditch from afar and concocts complicated game plans which he intends for them to follow during matches. (But they never do.)

The big point is that he’s talking, to you, nonetheless and you should LISTEN.

Likes: Pork Cracklings, Butterbeer, Potions, Dancing , Muggle Music (HIM, Pink Spiders, etc) and the color purple.

Dislikes: Skirts, toads, hand sanitizer and air fresheners

Allergies: Limes make him break out in hives.

Pets: He has no pets unless you count the secret mushrooms he grows underneath his bed (and that of his brothers without them knowing so. Shhh! don’t tell Barron.)

History (for the three durr): American Muggles Mr. and Mrs. Brandywine had trouble conceiving children for three years. Finally after saving up enough money for the fertility treatment, they visited the doctor’s office in hopes of being parents. What they didn’t expect were three of the four eggs implanted in her uterus to have fertilized. It was this way that the triplets began inside their Mother’s womb. Rumor has it that even since then Boulevard was the smartest of the three (but the smallest) often kicking his siblings and trying to sneak underneath their Mother’s ribs causing her a lot of discomfort. The family lived in New Jersey, when Mr. Brandywine moved to England to live with his sick Mother. Mrs. Brandywine and the children stayed behind with plans to moving to England once the children were a bit older.

It was in their 11th birthday at a Chuck E Cheese, when Boulevard created a multi-colored giant viper made from the balls at the ball pit to terrorize Barron (who immediately began to hover and suffer from an asthma attack while Baston clung to his ankle) that Mr. and Mrs. Brandywine realized there was something wrong with their three sons.

It was Mrs. Brandywine’s clue to move the boys to England. No sooner had they hopped off the plane that they were bombarded by irate owls and letters from Hogwarts. Left without a choice (and dumbfounded), Mr. and Mrs. Brandywine allowed their sons to attend Hogwarts as Boulevard just wouldn’t shut up about it. Barron was the first one sorted. Having been placed in Hufflepuff, his oldest brother, Baston, wished for the same. Feeling that his brother’s were abandoning him, Boulevard deemed it unacceptable and demanded/ordered the hat put him with his brothers.

And the rest, my friends, is a complicated mess of explosions, conspiracy theories, and hazardous incantations.