About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

9:56 PM

Zazu Donovan


Zazu Donovan
2047 - Present

Full Name: Zazu Donovan
DOB: December 4th, 2047
Place of Birth: London, England
Nickname(s): No nicknames. Please.
Age: 25
Parentage: Halfblood
Height/Weight: 5'5" 114 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Wand: Centaur tail hair, walnut, 7 3/4 inches.
Position in Teen!Witch: Music & Nightlife Writer
Education: MacAlister's Academy (2061-2065)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Her smile is something of a mystery since she hasn't been known to smile even once since she started working at T!W.

Appearance: Zazu's hair changes often. It isn't something that she does out of whim. Simply, as part of her job, it is imperative that she keeps up with the styles and times of the youth. Despite her seemingly cold and closed personality, Donovan's dressing style can be described as bohemian without being disgustingly hobo. Her favorite color is purple and she often wears it in the form of a slouching beanie, scarf, or prairie skirt. She likes sandals and booths in earthy colors.

Donovan has big brown eyes that on any other person would look innocent. On her, though, they only seem to be a bit too perceptive--just enough to make others feel uncomfortable as if they were being mentally probed for their deep dark secrets. Average height and balancing somewhere between being thin and average weight, Zazu's body figure is as inconsistent as her hairstyle. At her best, she has a feminine and curvy body that she doesn't like showing off, afraid that it would attract the wrong kind of attention.

About Zazu: Quiet for the most part, she won’t speak unless spoken to or greatly intrigued. Although she might seem like a space cadet, her brown eyes often set on the far distance, she is very perceptive of people and her surroundings. Zazu had a very troubled childhood and something of a criminal record. This has been artfully swept under the rug with the help of her popular and famous wizarding journalist mother: Sandra Donovan.

Because of her past, Zazu has picked up a few 'useful' skills. She's quick with her fingers and can snatch your watch even as she is speaking to you without you noticing. Picking into locked doors is her specialty and pretty much how she makes it backstage to concerts in order to get her 'exclusive' interviews with the up and rising Wizard Wrock Bands.

Zazu has a very sarcastic nature. Her remarks are as biting and it shows on her articles where she doesn't forgive even the most charming of lead vocalists. She also happens to have a bit of a morbid streak and likes to randomly create dark images with her vocabulary while wearing a stony face. Rarely does she ever crack a smile and when she does it seems eerily out of place and even scary.

Zazu is also allergic to peanuts, peaches, strawberries and almonds.

Likes: Sour candies, doodling.

Dislikes: Noise, Cheerful people (like her boss)

- To see someone being run over in front of her
- Be a better and more famous writer than her mother
- Finally complete that damn Rubik's cube.

- Fish
- Paper cuts
- Flying

Zazu is the only daughter of a prestigious witch reporter who had involved with a muggle con-artist. When Zazu’s mother found out that she was expecting a baby she hid, wanting her child not to grow up knowing what her father had been. What Sandra Donovan did not expect was that her daughter would inherit her father’s art for lying, stealing, plotting and sometimes violence. Kicked out of four different private schools by the age of 14, Martha sent Zazu to MacAlister’s Academy for the Magically Inclined. She excelled in Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and Divination. Is rubbish with remembering facts, dates and names.

- Sandra Donovan