About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

10:29 PM

Ian Hoshino


Ian Hoshino
Sales Manager & Advertising Section Editor
The Daily Prophet
2034 - Present

Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"

Background:Ian Hoshino is the only son in Wizarding Technology Mogul Kiri Hoshino and French-Spanish Witch Socialite, Erica Leveque's now defunct marriage. Showered with attention to the point of symbolically drowning in it, Ian developed a superiority complex harmoniously balanced with a dry wit with a side of arrogant sneers. Ian keeps his cousins and younger relatives at a distance, not willing to be associated with the likes of them.

Hoshino attended Beauxbatons, diligently abiding with his mother's wishes despite his dislike for the school's teaching methods and bouillabaisse. A loner by choice, Ian devoted his free time to usually bypassed subjects such as History of Magic, Potions, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and even including Muggle Studies. In his fifth year at Beauxbatons he was named Préfet for his unbending nature.

Graduating from Beauxbatons, Ian took a year off to travel the world, his camera as his only companion. He visited the Angel Falls in Venezuela, Madagascar, Philippines, Taiwan, Portugal and Germany. Tired of traveling (and his Father's pathetic pleas), he returned home where he worked several years under his father in the Department of Experimental Technology, creating new prototypes for the company.

Amongst his creations is the popular Super-massive Wallet, which, contrary to his name is actually quite average in size, at least upon appearance. The wallet is charmed with a space distortion spell that allows the owner to stow away large items in a dimensional pocket for later use and retrieval.

This nifty gadget is very popular amongst those Wizarding pack rats.

Yet, the work soon became boring and Ian Hoshino found himself looking for a way out of the hole he had found himself in. Finding inspiration in the newly staffed Director of the Daily Prophet, he bid his trinkets and father goodbye in place for his camera. Getting an interview was easy, landing the job was another.

Hoshino had developed a notorious reputation of being an arrogant, insensitive leader while he worked for his father. His disgruntled employees (who often left running and in tears) had spread the news of their mistreatment far and wide and the Daily Prophet was doubtful over the correct decision. With a few well placed grins (and threats), Ian was begrudgingly shoved in the slot of a Photojournalist.

Currently Ian is content with capturing the worst side of the Politicians and remarking about his coworkers incompetence.