About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

3:24 AM

Oakley Uaine Siege

It's A Cataclysm
talented, rebellious, outspoken, sarcastic, easily distracted, male, fifteen
Looks like Boyd Holbrook

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change.

Hey! My name is Oakley Uaine Siege 
You can call me Oak, Siege 
I am fifteen 
I was born on birthdate 
Right now, I'm a sophomore 
You can see that I am amale 
I'm into girls so that makes me heterosexual, babeh. 
You could say I run with Musicians and Populars 
Oakley may be fifteen but he certainly doesn't look it. He's not only mature for his age, or so he thinks, but his looks garners attentions from older crowds as well. For a fifteen year old, Oak can certainly sprout some facial hair if he forgets to shave. He tries not to make a habit of it but sometimes he's too busy partying, writing and playing to care about his hygiene.
His blond hair is naturally light although Oak sometimes tends to bleach it white for maximum effect. He likes standing out. He likes being noticed. His height helps him accomplish all of this by allowing Oakley to stand at six feet and three inches. His eyes are a bright blue, contrasting with his pale skin.
It comes with no surprise that his choice in attire is often more questionable than not. Siege's favorite colors are black, silver, and red. He's not opposed to wearing other colors, though. Still, his wardrobe is composed mostly of his favorites. He's a bit inspired by fashion in Japanese rock. Oakley used to really be into visual kei but that has faded away and instead, he likes to mix and match styles depending on his artistic mood.

Oakley Uaine Seige loves Bay Grove. Don't get him wrong, no, really, he loves it in his detached, can't believe I live with cows sort of way. He's not really interested in school. He's more interested in finding ways of exploiting his talent to get what he wants: attention in the form of girls and a one way ticket out of the little town. Having a penchant for the dramatic, Oakley usually finds himself attracted to the dramatic girls; the ones that can fill him with ecstasy and hopelessness all at once. All Siege wants to do is find his next muse in whatever shape or form he can get.

Oakley, despite his goals, is a farm boy at hand. His parents own a farm in the outskirts of Bay Grove where they grow a few local crops, particularly wild blueberries. Oakley's Mother is known for her blueberry pie, the same blueberry pie that the local diner sells. While not at school he helps out at home as best as his teenager angst allows him. Most of the time, though, he usually steals the tractor and rides around the roads purposely blocking whatever traffic may come.  

I'm super fond of j-rock, Japanese variety shows (they're fucking crazy, okay?), girls, parties, the city, Alien Ant Farm, 30 Seconds to Mars, black nail polish, Pepsi, high top shoes, tumblr, writing, books, horror films, vampires, zombies, dogs, plaid, harry potter, pistachio ice cream, green tea, blueberry pie, hunting 

But I do not care for preppy idiots, cows, cousins who try to make out with him, pep rallies, homecoming, when umbrellas fail you just when you need them, yellow markers, pink slips of disappointment, stupid moose who get lost in our farm, cats 

Some of my aspirations include
+ Becoming an International Rock God
+ Spray Painting a Moose
+ Scoring a Record Deal 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Death, obviously
+ Mice
+ Having to repeat a year in High School


Oakley's family has always been in Bay Grove. His Mother's side of the family come from Welsh immigrants while his Father's side of the family are English. Oak's Pops owns the last remaining shipyard in Bay Grove that now serves as a museum. They haven't truly made a sailing ship in over a decade. His Dad hopes Oakley will take over the shipyard and the farm one day but Siege Junior has other plans.

When Oak was in elementary school, he used to play a lot of basketball and quite enjoyed baseball too. He practiced both sports all throughout middle school but found a new calling in Junior High School when in English class they were assigned to write a song that was Christmas themed. Having received praise for shown promise, Oakley decided to pursue his more artistic abilities rather than his athletic ones.

It wasn't until he started winning talent shows that Oakley rose to popularity. Previously, he had just been a normal kid with normal grades who was actually pretty geeky and nerdy. He still is the same boy he always way, in secret. Oakley just has bigger and broader dreams that he hopes will take him out and away from Bay Grove to a big city where the lights are always on. 

My family is the reason I write emo songs from time to time
+ Pops, Mom, Younger Twin Sisters
+ Raymond Siege (43), Gwendolynn Kendrick-Siege (36), Hamlet Emily and Emily Macbeth Siege (Both 9 years old)
+ Gred & Forge (Sheep dogs) 

Oakley is pretty geeky if you look past that rock facade.