About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

8:29 PM

Indigo Burnie


Indigo Gray Burnie
2050 - Present

Full name: Indigo Gray Burnie
Nicknames/Aliasses: Indie, Digoray, Burn, etc.
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Build: Lean but muscular
Hair: Blond, wavy and all over the place
Eyes: Brown
Date of Birth: June 24, 2050
Place of Birth: Sheffield, England
Parentage: Halfblood
Wand: 11" Mahogany, Demiguise Hair
Education: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff (2061 - 2067)
Position in Teen!Witch: Culture & Arts Writer

Appearance: Indie gives out a very sporty feel. When he was younger, his robes were usually tattered and unkempt, stained with something or the other. Now that he is older and working at an office, he puts in a little more effort into his attire. Meaning, at least his clothes are cleaned and free of holes. He can't promise to better his dress style. He just isn't as chic as his female counterparts working at Teen!Witch.

He's not pale but he's not particularly tan either. Although his family was graced with freckles he seems to have broken free for the time being for the exception of his shoulders and back. Meanwhile on his jaw you can find a few random birthmarks/moles hiding in the shadow of his jawline.

His brown eyes are almond shaped and surrounded by thick rows of golden lashes. Indie's eyebrows are thick and expressive, making him look as if he was permanently amused.

Personlity: Indie has never managed to fit into Hufflepuff while he was at Hogwarts. Despite his entirely family being in Hufflepuff, and being thankful at the beginning for being able to enter the house of his family, Burn later felt that the house didn't represent his true personality and was constantly filled with doubt about whether he could ever meet the expectations of his family. He has always been a loyal person, even to a fault where he is almost blind to see where his friends have gone wrong. Indigo has issues letting people in and getting to know the real him. It was why he constantly picked and bickered with those around him.

While a teenager, he was unable to properly socialize with girls. This hasn't changed much or at all--as he still picks on them. It's his own way of being able to interact with them without ignoring them entirely.

Gray is competitive and doesn't like to lose. He has been known to cheat in games and bets in order to win. Although he does this less than when he was younger, Indigo finds it a hard habit to kick to the curb. He is Quidditch obsessed and will not lose an argument when it comes to his favorite team: the Caerphilly Catapults. Indigo is a firm believer that clothes are restricting and that everyone would be happier if they were allowed to just be naked whenever they felt like it.

History: In the Burnie family there are no females for the exception of Mother Burnie. Indigo is one of four brothers. His father passed away when he was only three years old. His Uncle Thomas, who lived not very far was the only Father Figure the boys had after their father passed way. Uncle Thomas is half Irish and enjoys drinking at pubs and placing bets on card games. Uncle Thomas' philosophy was: "Your entire life is like a card game. You bet. You bluff. You win and sometimes you have to lose. So cheat. That way you don't have to lose!" -- wisdom from a drunken man; it was from him that the Burnie Boys got their passion for turning everything--and I do mean everything--into a bet.

Indie's father was a Wizard and his Mum a Muggle that met when Indie's father apparated at the wrong adress a night of cards and drinks with the buddies. She beat him senseless with a frying pan and felt so sorry for the drunken man she took care of him for the three days. He remained unconscious throughout this time and the poor woman thought she had killed him. When Indie's father finally awoke he made contact with his wife's gray eyes and immediately fell in love. He wooed her for three years before she finally agreed to go out with him. A year later they married --She was already carrying Indie's older brother: Crimson

Likes: Chocolate, butterbeer, mystery novels, writing, Quidditch, radio soaps

Dislikes: Wizard Chess

- Uma Burnie (52) : Mother
- Crimson Burnie (32) : Brother
- Thistle Burnie (30) : Brother
- Slate Burnie (28) : Brother
- Sky Burnie (25) : Brother

Allergies: None
Pets: A tabby cat named Emery.