About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

11:54 PM

Keitaro Ito


Keitaro Ito
Hogwarts Night Class Character
- Vampire -

Nickname/Aliases: Kei, Taro-Kun. Obnoxious One. Ito
Age: 73 years old
Date of Birth: August 2, 1935
Group: Vampire


Height: 5' 9"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
General appearance: Tall, lean, does not like to comb his hair most of the time. Often wears sunglasses even at night.


Personality: Keitaro likes to randomly quote literature and individuals no one has ever heard of and boast about his "superior intellect". Although he thinks girl's are nice to look at, he doesn't pay them much attention. He doesn't have time to indulge on such things plus it's all just a hassle. Although most of the time he's quite charming he has his bad days and will not hesitate to beat whoever annoys him to the ground.

History: Born to a farming family (they cultivated bell peppers and greater burdock) in Miyakonojo in the prefecture of Miyakonojo, Kyushu Island, Keitaro Ito was surrounded by mountains and grass as soon as he entered the world. A poor family, Keitaro was put to help the family farm as soon as he was capable. At the age of 10 his mother gave birth to a baby girl. Due to complications, Keitaro’s Mother passed away during childbirth and the baby girl was born ill. The rest of his childhood was spent helping out in the farm and looking after his little sister, Tsuki, who suffered from epileptic attacks. Kei struggled with a bitter resentment towards his little sister and the instinctive need to protect her. Having an old father and a sick sister, Ito grew with a hunger for more materialistic possessions and a need to break out of the family’s farming pattern. He longed for the city life that Osaka promised but was always held back because he was afraid of leaving his sister and father alone.

When he turned 16, he heard of a new province being built. The province possessed a factory that specialized in automobile manufacturing. Wanting to start life on his own, he bid farewell to his elderly father and Tsuki (who he was very close to) in hopes of making money in the automobile business to sustain his family and moved to Hyuga, only a few hours away from Miyakonojo. He did well helping build the core of cars and gave most of his pay to his father and sister which he visited once every two weeks.

During February of 1952, the Winter Olympics were taking place in Orso, Norway. On his way to watch the first ever woman’s skiing competition in the Olympics at the local pub, Keitaro was lured by a friend to a dark alley. It was then when he was bitten. He never fully tells the whole story and does not wish to think of it. This friend not only made sure he was alive enough so that he will change but once turned, she threatened to destroy his family if he did not do as he was told.

He was her slave for several decades until he was able to free himself from her.
The methods of this feat he does not discuss nor the identity of the vampire.

Family: All deceased

Extra: He plays basketball

Pets: Chihuahua