About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

2:57 PM

Payton James McNiven

It's A Cataclysm
charismatic, smooth, suave, manipulative, intelligent, male, seventeen
Looks like Playby Scott Porter

So just have fun, it's far enough
Everybody needs to sleep at night, everybody
needs a crutch. But couldn't good be good
enough? 'Cos nothin' ever doesn't change
but nothin' changes much.

Hey! My name is Payton James McNiven 
You can call me Payton, McNiven, most people do anyways. 
I am seventeen 
I was born on November 12 
Right now, I'm a senior in high school 
You can see that I am a male 
I'm into girls so that makes me heterosexual 
You could say I run with Populars & Jocks 

McNiven isn't the tallest boy at school, but he certainly knows how to stand-out in a crowd. Physically fit, McNiven is a bit of a gym rat. He likes his muscles and has no plans in abandoning his routine for anyone, as of yet. His brown hair, that appears a light golden brown in the sunlight, is kept short for obvious reasons. He's a pretty low-maintenance guy despite his fascination with his body. He shaves when he needs to and isn't entirely foreign to showing up at school with a scruffy face. Payton's eyes are an odd golden brown in color.


Payton is all about the parties, and usually, the parties are all about Payton. He likes to hang out with the popular crowd because they supply him the attention he craves. They also happen to jam packed with the females and Payton hasn't met a girl he would say no to yet. Well, alright, he's met a few but for the most part he's game anytime. Lately though, he's been getting his fill of attention from Hudson. Sorry, girls!

When he's done partying it through the off-season, McNiven dedicates himself 100 percent to football. He's a proud Center for Bay Grove's Lions and he isn't ashamed to say it. Truth, they haven't brought the Championship Cup, ever, and he's hoping that this year would be their year. After all, it's his last year at Bay Grove and he's like to leave with a little more than just a few well played games as a reputation. 

I'm super fond of football, working out, making-out ;], reading, not that he makes a big deal out o fit, parties, steak, Nikki. 

But I do not care for druggies, extremists, feminism, hippies, fish, beans, frogs 

Some of my aspirations include
+ College Football Scholarship
+ Making the NFL
+ Be worth more than 2.5 $ 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Getting injured
+ Frog Infestation
+ Getting a girl pregnant


Despite appearances, McNiven's life isn't as rosy and perfect as people might think. His childhood was tumultuous to say the least. Just when he was six years old, McNiven was molested by one of his Father's cousins. Every year, when the family got together, Payton, when no one was watching him, Payton would be swept away by this woman to one of the bedrooms and forced and touched against his will. Feeling that this happened because he deserved it and because his Aunt would tell him that if he talked it would make her really sad, Payton kept quiet for four years until he finally confessed to his Mother.

This caught a lot of fighting between his parents. His Mother threatened with divorce if they didn't call the police, but his Father had a reputation to keep. Why would the Chief of Police of Bay Grove call the cops on his own cousin? For molesting his own child, of all things? They kept it quiet, and Payton's Mother stopped threatening with divorce for Payton's sake. Ever since then, she became over protective of her son who pretended to be a happy child just to keep his Mother from crying.

His father was the source of lots of fear for McNiven in the past. He'd drink heavily on weekends, and even while on the job. When he'd get home he'd beat Payton, called him obscene names, and blamed him for all the animosity between himself and his family. Tired of being his Father's punching bag, Payton picked up football as soon as he hit puberty and hit the weights. He grew big in time, and when his Father tried to strike him one time, Payton hit back. It was the end of the beatings but certainly not of the verbal and emotional abuse.

To this date, he doesn't bring anyone home. He tells no one about what happened with his aunt, and pretends that he doesn't hear his Mother cry herself to sleep every single night.

Perhaps it is because of his scarred past that Payton seems to bounce from female to female, looking for that comfort that he can't seem to just grasp. Whenever he feels like he finally has a hold of it, it just slips through his fingers. He has a feeling he's finally found it in Hudson, however, lately, things seem to be a little off.

Although he's actually more fond of Nikki than he'd let on, Payton finds himself a bit confused about where their relationship is going. She's not as receptive and warm as she's used to be and, well, although the sex is still pretty much mind blowing after it's all said and done--there's nothing there to keep them in the same bed together. At the same time that he's having his doubts about where he stands in Hudson's life, Payton's eyes have caught sigh of a new freshman.

Hannah Parker is everything Nikki is not; sweet, innocent, naive, and obviously a virgin. He's not sure what out of all those qualities attract him, or what combination, but he can't stop noticing her when he walks down the corridors of Bay Grove High. Just when he thinks she's out of his mind, she pops up in his brain, confusing the hell out of him. He's tempted to let his instinct grab a hold of him if only to brink Nikki back to his side--but for whatever reason, the idea of tainting poor little Hannah Maye Parker has him doubting everything he's worked hard to achieve, his past and himself.

My family is all levels of fucked up
+ Mom and Dad
+ Jenna & Kyle McNiven
+ Nope.