About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

10:45 PM

Kim Dae Sun

Kim Dae Sun
Teen!Witch Editor-in-Chief

Full Name: Daesun Kim
DOB: April, 3rd, 2046
Place of Birth: Bristol, England
Nickname(s): Dae, Sunny, Whichever
Age: 26
Parentage: Pureblood
Height/Weight: 5’3” 106 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Wand: Phoenix tail feather, birch, 11 1/4 inches.
Position in Teen!Witch: Editor in Chief
Education: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff (2057-2064)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Sunny's two front teeth are a little larger than usual; they can even be called bunny-like in appearance.

Appearance: Sun's hair is something that is ever changing in length and style. She likes to alter it with magic (and wigs!) according to her moods. Most of the time, it stays the same shade or something of a dark auburn. A fan of pencil skirts, Daesun keeps her closet full of them as she considers them an essential item for proper work attire. Her feet are always wearing pumps, be they peep toe or otherwise. She's chic, modern and sexy without seeming trashy--at least while in the workplace. At home, Daesun is extremely casual, preferring to bum around in baggy sweats and over sized sweatshirts.

Dae Sun's eyes, although small, are bright and expressive and she does her best to make them look bigger with the aid of crafty make-up. She considers her best feature to be her fleshy lips. Sunny is quite proud of them and declares herself, to whoever is listening while at a cocktail party, be pretty darned kissable.

Her legs are thinner than she would like (as is her backside) but her hips are wide and her chest, although small compared to most, is just a smidgen than above average. All of this on her small frame makes her look a little stout in thoughtless outfits. Keen on not letting this happen, Sunny avoids wearing outfits that will make her look much more squat than she already is. Dresses that make her torso appear longer are her best friend.

About Sunny: Daesun wasn't exactly born into a privileged family. Galleons did not fall from the sky unto her father's lap. However, by the time she had hid her pre-teen years, the Kims were already well off. It is because of this fact that Sunny has a bit of a self entitled air about her. Of course, this is all upon first appearance. The truth is, she isn't nearly as snobby as she appears. The truth is, she's actually the most humble Kim daughter.

Sunny is a bundle of, well, sunshine in a small package for the most part. There is always a smile on her face, exposing the world with her less than perfect smile and Sun wouldn't have it any other way. After years of struggling with self-image issues she has finally learned to embrace herself the way she is: imperfect but beautiful. She tries to keep Teen!Witch positive, chic, and with the times without sacrificing her morals and warping the minds of young witches. Needless to say, Daesun despite all her dorky laughter (comprimised of wheezing, grunts and snorts) is very serious about her job.

Sunny is a hopeless romantic who likes to collect Muggle romantic comedies. She watches them every Sunday with her cats, Gucci and Prada, eating Neapolitan ice cream right out of the carton. Unfortunately, because she is so driven about her work, Daesun hasn't had much of a chance to excel in the dating field. It doesn't please her very traditional parent who can't wait for the day she announces her wedding to a nice businessman. Preferably Asian. Sunny doesn't have the heart to tell them that, well, she's just not that into Asian men as they would like. It isn't that she's against her own race, that would be preposterous but Sunny wants a thrilling and exciting relationship with a 'foreigner'. The stuff movies are made of!

Likes: Clothes, romantic comedies, romance novels, laughing until her belly hurts, pretty blue eyes, pretty hair, collecting nail polish, imperfect smiles, pickled vegetables (yum kimchi!), hair products, post-its, pretty scented stationary, classical musical instruments (mostly just strings, though), pastel colors, pencil skirts, pumps, ice cream, love songs, collecting silverware, french cuisine

Dislikes: Mice, Rats, VERMIN!, extreme feminists, hags, pessimists

- To become a good role model for teenage girls
- Get that ghoul out of the cafeteria's kitchen once and for all
- Go on a date and not be positively and horribly awkward

- Ending up alone with her fat cats, Gucci and Prada
- Breaking a heel in public

Dae comes from a wealthy Wizarding family. Her Father is a business man who once used to sell cheap organic potion ingredients in the streets until he started his own little shop. That shop grew into a bigger shop into an even bigger one. Eventually, he started having several establishments open in different locations all over Europe. Currently, he’s planning to expand his potion ingredients franchise to the United States. Her mother designs high couture Wizarding robes and gowns for women. Sunny is the youngest of three sisters,

- Jae Hyung Kim & Yuri Kim (Parents)
- Sooyoung (28) & Chaeyoung (31) - Sisters
- Has two fat cats named Gucci and Prada. Might as well be family.