About me

This is a blog to collect characters' biographies because I have been known to kill my computer and not have any backups. I'm a 20 something writer, reader, dreamer, fan girl expert who runs of coffee. Insanity is imminent.

8:29 PM

Indigo Burnie


Indigo Gray Burnie
2050 - Present

Full name: Indigo Gray Burnie
Nicknames/Aliasses: Indie, Digoray, Burn, etc.
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Build: Lean but muscular
Hair: Blond, wavy and all over the place
Eyes: Brown
Date of Birth: June 24, 2050
Place of Birth: Sheffield, England
Parentage: Halfblood
Wand: 11" Mahogany, Demiguise Hair
Education: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff (2061 - 2067)
Position in Teen!Witch: Culture & Arts Writer

Appearance: Indie gives out a very sporty feel. When he was younger, his robes were usually tattered and unkempt, stained with something or the other. Now that he is older and working at an office, he puts in a little more effort into his attire. Meaning, at least his clothes are cleaned and free of holes. He can't promise to better his dress style. He just isn't as chic as his female counterparts working at Teen!Witch.

He's not pale but he's not particularly tan either. Although his family was graced with freckles he seems to have broken free for the time being for the exception of his shoulders and back. Meanwhile on his jaw you can find a few random birthmarks/moles hiding in the shadow of his jawline.

His brown eyes are almond shaped and surrounded by thick rows of golden lashes. Indie's eyebrows are thick and expressive, making him look as if he was permanently amused.

Personlity: Indie has never managed to fit into Hufflepuff while he was at Hogwarts. Despite his entirely family being in Hufflepuff, and being thankful at the beginning for being able to enter the house of his family, Burn later felt that the house didn't represent his true personality and was constantly filled with doubt about whether he could ever meet the expectations of his family. He has always been a loyal person, even to a fault where he is almost blind to see where his friends have gone wrong. Indigo has issues letting people in and getting to know the real him. It was why he constantly picked and bickered with those around him.

While a teenager, he was unable to properly socialize with girls. This hasn't changed much or at all--as he still picks on them. It's his own way of being able to interact with them without ignoring them entirely.

Gray is competitive and doesn't like to lose. He has been known to cheat in games and bets in order to win. Although he does this less than when he was younger, Indigo finds it a hard habit to kick to the curb. He is Quidditch obsessed and will not lose an argument when it comes to his favorite team: the Caerphilly Catapults. Indigo is a firm believer that clothes are restricting and that everyone would be happier if they were allowed to just be naked whenever they felt like it.

History: In the Burnie family there are no females for the exception of Mother Burnie. Indigo is one of four brothers. His father passed away when he was only three years old. His Uncle Thomas, who lived not very far was the only Father Figure the boys had after their father passed way. Uncle Thomas is half Irish and enjoys drinking at pubs and placing bets on card games. Uncle Thomas' philosophy was: "Your entire life is like a card game. You bet. You bluff. You win and sometimes you have to lose. So cheat. That way you don't have to lose!" -- wisdom from a drunken man; it was from him that the Burnie Boys got their passion for turning everything--and I do mean everything--into a bet.

Indie's father was a Wizard and his Mum a Muggle that met when Indie's father apparated at the wrong adress a night of cards and drinks with the buddies. She beat him senseless with a frying pan and felt so sorry for the drunken man she took care of him for the three days. He remained unconscious throughout this time and the poor woman thought she had killed him. When Indie's father finally awoke he made contact with his wife's gray eyes and immediately fell in love. He wooed her for three years before she finally agreed to go out with him. A year later they married --She was already carrying Indie's older brother: Crimson

Likes: Chocolate, butterbeer, mystery novels, writing, Quidditch, radio soaps

Dislikes: Wizard Chess

- Uma Burnie (52) : Mother
- Crimson Burnie (32) : Brother
- Thistle Burnie (30) : Brother
- Slate Burnie (28) : Brother
- Sky Burnie (25) : Brother

Allergies: None
Pets: A tabby cat named Emery.
3:28 AM

Francisco Constanza

normal, not-quite-bilingual, foreigner, awkward, fifteen, male
Looks like Diego Luna

We've seen some change
But we're still outsiders
If everybody's here
Then hell knows
We ride alone

Hey! My name isFrancisco Constanza 
You can call me Paco 
I am fifteen years old 
I was born on November 14 
Right now, I'm a freshman in high school 
You can see that I am a male 
I'm into girls so that makes me straight 
You could say I run with jocks 

Paco's got a baby face. He knows it. Everyone knows it and he hates it. Considering his harsh upbringing in Mexico, his teeth aren't in the best condition. However, his family insists that his dorky childish grin is charismatic. It also helps him look approachable. Paco has very straight hair. He keeps it rather long and more often than not misses his haircut appointments due to time and well--money. Francisco has small brown eyes that sparkle with mischief or glaze over with boredom. He has limited expressions, so Paco has no aspirations to be an actor although fame and glory would be pretty cool.


Francisco Constanza is awkward around new people. He gets nervous and fumbles over his words because he's not comfortable with the English language yet. Paco really likes his comic books, and manga, and might secretly be into that Japanese animation thing. He wouldn't tell his father though because that's not for straight men, supposedly. Paco is shy around girls. He doesn't get how they think. Everything about them is a mystery. He thinks mascara wands are scary and that putting on all that foundation must be oddly uncomfortable.

When at school, Francisco does his best to pay attention in class but he doesn't always understand everything that is being said, particularly when the teachers start throwing big words out. Paco really enjoys soccer practice as he feels it's the only time he can really be himself without having to rely in his conversational skills to get him by. 

I'm super fond of soccer (in my country, we call it futbol, makes more sense,you know?), comics, spicy food, the outdoors 

But I do not care for American football (makes no sense, bro), British humor (makes no sense too), literature, opera music 

Some of my aspirations include
+ Becoming fully Bilingual
+ Owning a house
+ Owning a pet 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Death of a family member
+ Deportation
+ Drowning


Francisco was born in Morelos, Mexico. A small little providence, Paco hasn't truly known what the city life means. It only makes sense that his parents would decided to relocate to such a sleep town. Currently, Francisco lives with his two brothers, three sisters, Mom and Dad in a run down apartment. He has no privacy whatsoever and can't wait for his father to save up enough money so they can move to a bigger place.

He's new to the United States and even newer to the sleepy town of Bay Grove. So, he doesn't have any good friends unless you count the boys from the soccer team. He also happens to like to peep at the girls placing soccer. Although the sport was popular back in his home country, Paco didn't get to see a lot of girls practicing. It's a nice change and he can't say he hates looking at their legs. 

My family is big
+ mom, dad, two brothers, and three sisters.
+ Carmen Teresa, Carlos Jose, Pablo Miguel, Eduardo Miguel, Fatima Maria, and Roberta
+ No Gracias. =] 

Francisco actually loves animals and he would love to have his own pet, unfortunately the family is in the wrong place and time in life to afford one.
9:56 PM

Zazu Donovan


Zazu Donovan
2047 - Present

Full Name: Zazu Donovan
DOB: December 4th, 2047
Place of Birth: London, England
Nickname(s): No nicknames. Please.
Age: 25
Parentage: Halfblood
Height/Weight: 5'5" 114 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Wand: Centaur tail hair, walnut, 7 3/4 inches.
Position in Teen!Witch: Music & Nightlife Writer
Education: MacAlister's Academy (2061-2065)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Her smile is something of a mystery since she hasn't been known to smile even once since she started working at T!W.

Appearance: Zazu's hair changes often. It isn't something that she does out of whim. Simply, as part of her job, it is imperative that she keeps up with the styles and times of the youth. Despite her seemingly cold and closed personality, Donovan's dressing style can be described as bohemian without being disgustingly hobo. Her favorite color is purple and she often wears it in the form of a slouching beanie, scarf, or prairie skirt. She likes sandals and booths in earthy colors.

Donovan has big brown eyes that on any other person would look innocent. On her, though, they only seem to be a bit too perceptive--just enough to make others feel uncomfortable as if they were being mentally probed for their deep dark secrets. Average height and balancing somewhere between being thin and average weight, Zazu's body figure is as inconsistent as her hairstyle. At her best, she has a feminine and curvy body that she doesn't like showing off, afraid that it would attract the wrong kind of attention.

About Zazu: Quiet for the most part, she won’t speak unless spoken to or greatly intrigued. Although she might seem like a space cadet, her brown eyes often set on the far distance, she is very perceptive of people and her surroundings. Zazu had a very troubled childhood and something of a criminal record. This has been artfully swept under the rug with the help of her popular and famous wizarding journalist mother: Sandra Donovan.

Because of her past, Zazu has picked up a few 'useful' skills. She's quick with her fingers and can snatch your watch even as she is speaking to you without you noticing. Picking into locked doors is her specialty and pretty much how she makes it backstage to concerts in order to get her 'exclusive' interviews with the up and rising Wizard Wrock Bands.

Zazu has a very sarcastic nature. Her remarks are as biting and it shows on her articles where she doesn't forgive even the most charming of lead vocalists. She also happens to have a bit of a morbid streak and likes to randomly create dark images with her vocabulary while wearing a stony face. Rarely does she ever crack a smile and when she does it seems eerily out of place and even scary.

Zazu is also allergic to peanuts, peaches, strawberries and almonds.

Likes: Sour candies, doodling.

Dislikes: Noise, Cheerful people (like her boss)

- To see someone being run over in front of her
- Be a better and more famous writer than her mother
- Finally complete that damn Rubik's cube.

- Fish
- Paper cuts
- Flying

Zazu is the only daughter of a prestigious witch reporter who had involved with a muggle con-artist. When Zazu’s mother found out that she was expecting a baby she hid, wanting her child not to grow up knowing what her father had been. What Sandra Donovan did not expect was that her daughter would inherit her father’s art for lying, stealing, plotting and sometimes violence. Kicked out of four different private schools by the age of 14, Martha sent Zazu to MacAlister’s Academy for the Magically Inclined. She excelled in Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and Divination. Is rubbish with remembering facts, dates and names.

- Sandra Donovan
3:09 AM

Edita Happenstance

It's A Cataclysm
Energetic, Loud, Vivacious, Happy, Impulsive, Sixteen, Female
Looks like Behati Prinsloo

She's got a smile that it seems to me,
Reminds me of childhood memories,
Where everything was as fresh
As the bright blue sky.

Hey! My name is Edita Happenstance 
You can call me Eddie, Tata, Happenin', Happy (although, really, there's consequences to almost all of those) 
I am sixteen years old 
I was born on December 12 
Right now, I'm a Junior 
You can see that I am a a chick, yo. 
I'm into ??? so that makes me ambiguous/asexual 
You could say I run with Jocks and Partiers 


Standing at 5'9", Edita happens to tower over most students, girls and boys. Not that she minds or notices, really. Her hazel eyes, that change depending on what color she is wearing, are always focused on the most minute thing that captures her ever eluding attention. Athletic, her body is free of most fat and rippled with lean muscles. Thanks to her height, though, she manages to appear long and effeminate while still being physically fit.

Her brown hair is most of the time worn on a ponytail while she's participating in sports. Otherwise, Eddie just lets it lose and wavy. Straightening her hair is too much work. It's time that she could easily spend doing something else that could make her sweat instead. Despite her sports-craze she often wears rather feminine colors in the form of shorts and sleeveless shirts. Pastel pink and blue are her favorite colors.


ABOUT MEEdita is all about anything that makes her lose her breath, makes her muscles hurt, makes her sweat. Sports, for now, are her ultimate passion. Every and all kind of sport (minus Gymnastics) she professes to be an 'expert' in even if it isn't entirely true. Her favorites however are football and lacrosse. When she isn't in the fields practicing, Edita is sleeping on open books in the library hoping that the knowledge will seep into her through acts of osmosis.

If she's not doing that, she's out partying with her friends. She isn't much of a drinker. Two drinks is enough to make her crazy and she certainly doesn't smoke as she's very determined to stay fit because she's the SPORTS QUEEN, after all; self-dubbed.

Eddie is always happy, loud and energetic. Even when she's complaining about her little brothers she can't help but sustain a sloppy sideways grin; something that has become sort of her trademark. Edita can be seen carrying around her IPod Touch, full to the brim with all sorts of music. Her playlist is very eclectic even though she seems to be partial to hip hop. She'd never tell, but in secret she has a lot of old school boy bands hidden in her computer's hard-drive. She listens to them and does their choreography in the haven of her bedroom while in her underwear. 


But I do not care for Love, Boyfriends, Making Out In Public, Cheap Beer, Drugs, Cigarettes, Needles, Blood, Body Odor, Crickets 

Some of my aspirations include
+ Beating Frankie In Everything
+ Becoming the BEST at EVERYTHING
+ Becoming a Pro Volleyball Player 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Crickets
+ Losing at Games
+ Receiving a Life-Altering/Crippling Injury


Edita and her family has lived in Bay Grove their entire lives. Ever since she was little, Eddie loved romping on the outskirts of their beach home shoving sand down her little brothers' swimming trunks. She still does that from time to time. Being the eldest of four siblings, Eddie is a source of inspiration for her rambunctious brothers.

School isn't Eddie's forte but she still maintains the average required to stay in the school's teams she has signed up for. Otherwise, it would be a life of depression and EXILE (from herself) if she isn't able to participate in her favorite sports.

Because she's always in the eye of the public (heh students), she does posses some minor popularity. It also helps that she's usually one of the loudest ones at the party without the need to digest liquor; a cheap and entertaining party guest. However, she does have a penchant of ditching appointments without meaning to for sporadic training sessions and--sleep. 

My family is noisy & chaotic
+ Mom, Dad, Three Brothers
+ Fiona [Mom] Ernest [Dad] Happenstance; Ysmael, Oscar, Tancred
+ 2 Chocolate Labs: Britney and Justin 

10:30 PM

Dairine Harcourt

Dairine Harcourt
2045 - Present

Nickname/Aliases: Rina
Age: 29
Date of Birth: March 17, 2043
Group: Human
House: Slytherin

Height: 5'5"
Build: Thin
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
General appearance: Always tidy and immaculate.

Personality: Her general appearance fools most into believing that Dairine is a well behaved student. The truth is, she's loud and rowdy and likes to horse around with boys. In short, Dairine is every bit of a tomboy even if her name is very feminine which is why she adopted the nickname of Rina.

History: Rina grew up in Ireland with her family of four brothers. Raised by a single Mother, Rina didn't see much of her because she was constantly working two to three jobs to support her children. Rina's older brother Peter took care of her and her three brothers.

Family: Mom (Martha), 3 Older Brothers (Peter, Nathaniel and Joshua)
Extra: Rina one time broke both her legs when she fell from the roof of her neighbor's barnyard.

Pets: Pet Rat named André.

[MAN. One day. I'll add more to her.]
3:17 PM

Brinkley Neal Hasselhof

It's A Cataclysm
Clean. Sarcastic. Indifferent. Sullen. Sixteen. Male
Looks like Mat Gordon

A night sky full of cries
Hearts filled with lies
The contract – is it worth the price?
The truth exists beyond the gates

 Hey! My name is Brinkley Neal Hasselhof 
You can call me Brinkley. Brink. 
I am sixteen years old. 
I was born on March 26th. 
Right now, I'm a Sophomore in High School. 
You can see that I am a male. 
I'm into both so that makes me bisexual. 
You could say I run with artists & jocks. 

Brinkley would like for strangers and acquaintances alike to think of him as immaculate. That isn’t often the case, however, as hard as he tries. There are times where he is so caught up composing he forgets to get up from the piano stool to even shower. When he isn’t wasting away by tinkering at the piano keys, he busily takes care of his appearance. Hair is very important to him therefore his bathroom is full of hair products. Wax is his best friend. Neal hardly ever lets his hair grow too long as he finds it to be synonymous with rebelliousness and sloth. His clothes are always tailored to fit his body. Baggy pants should be abolished, he believes, along with crocs and mullets. Being a picky eater, Brink’s face is thin and elongated; casting an appearance of sickliness. 

His handsome olive eyes make up for his face’ and body’s shortcomings. They’re slightly oval shaped and he doesn’t have a lot of lashes. His eyebrows aren’t superbly thick but Brink does rely on them quite often to express his moods. Looming at 5’10” he often complains about such an inconvenience since he has to slouch to play the piano. Looking for a way to stay healthy (and not develop a hunchback) he joined the Track & Field team where he is moderately successful. 

Brinkley has a ragged crescent shaped car over his heart from surviving a plane crash.


Because his Father was never home, Brinkley helped his sickly Mother with the household chores. Early in life, Brink learned the importance of cleanliness and organization. When his Mother was too ill to move, he also learned to cook from watching cooking networks on T.V. Along with developing a possible OCD with cleaning, Brink’s palette grew beyond what his parents could provide. He was no longer satisfied with the simple meals his parent’s budget could afford and began to lose weight. Brinkley never complained though seeing as they at least paid for his music lessons; something that he considered he couldn’t live without.

Giving up his dreams of becoming a top chef, he drowned himself in piano and music sheets upon his Father’s return. Those sleepless nights spent with his father learning how to read and write music were the most precious days of his life. It wasn’t soon before Brinkley was flying off with his Father to a concert hall. Unfortunately, there was an engine malfunction and the small plane crashed in an inhabited mountain.

Unconscious, and the last remaining survivor, it took the authorities three days to find the injured 12 year old.
After such an incident, Brinkley became much more sullen and less enthusiastic. The only time his face was graced with some kind of semblance of happiness and serenity was when he was playing the piano. Having, he believes, outgrown the town; Brinkley spends most of his days sneering at the youth’s lack of talent and ambition wishing he could leave the town to a far away place to continue his music career. Flying to Europe though, would require getting on a plane; something his traumatic past won’t allow him.

It doesn’t help that he can’t remember what happened thanks to the self-preserving instinct of his brain that suppresses the memories of the plane crash. For now, he only reveals (and rather reluctantly) that he suffers from Acrophobia, and an aversion to anything orange in color. 

I'm super fond of Italian and asian cuisine, cleaning products, wax, classical music, piano and old fashioned quills. 

But I do not care for the color orange, planes, bungee jumping, rock climbing, cruises, open waters, elevators, sky diving… 

Some of my aspirations include
+ Musical Perfection.
+ Finding a way to be permanently clean
+ Leaving this town 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Heights.
+ The Ocean.
+ Messing up Choplin in front of others


After the death of his Father, Brinkley’s Mother fell into depression. Already weak because of her illness (which he doesn’t disclose), she soon passed away. Only 12 years old, Brinkley was handed to his aunt and uncle living in Bay Grove. Instantly, Brink hated the weather. He was used to living in a mountainous region where the breeze always smelled of a sweet mixture of maple and pine trees.

His aunt and uncle own a small local supermarket where they constantly try to get Brinkley to work part-time. Brink refuses to place himself in such a shabby place. Instead, he found a weekend job teaching little children music. When Brinkley first started middle school, girls always approached him. He did well in classes, always participated in all of the talent shows and wasn’t very bad looking. His personality though, had never allowed him to make close or long-lasting friends. Brinkley is honest to a fault, indifferent and arrogant. He cannot find himself socializing with someone he doesn’t believe to be up to his level.

This doesn’t seem to stop the occasional girl (or boy) from making eyes at him, though, as much as he would will it.

My family is boring, embarrassing, highly common and unoriginal
+ Aunt and Uncle
+ Tamar and Joe Green, 37 & 42 respectively.
+ God, No. No pets.
9:48 PM

Daphne Hopton

Daphne Hopton
Current SS RPG Character
2054 - Present

Nicknames: Daff, Daffy, Daphadil [Notice: The use of these nicknames are only permissible to a select few and the consequences of using said nicknames without proper permission being granted could lead to unpleasant consequences of one kind or the other.]
DOB: January 20th, 2054
Age: 15
Star Sign: Capricorn
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Hazel [Green-Brown]
Height: 5’ 1”
Heritage: Pureblood
House: Gryffindor

Family & Background:

Daphne Hopton is the first daughter of Rome Hopton and Judith McAfee. Judith was the youngest daughter of a couple from the upper middle class of the Wizarding society. Judith has an older sister, Eleanor, whom she has forbidden mention of in her home. Rome is also the youngest in his family, having two older brothers named Wisconsin and Emery.

Rome and Judith don't usually entertain guests, even family, therefore Daphne hasn't had the chance to develop any strong bonds with her uncles. Any sort of relationship with her Aunt Eleanor is entirely impossible seeing as the woman is not allowed to visit them ever. The only way Eleanor and Daphne come together is in a sentence uttered by Judith when comparing the two unlikely humans to each other.

Recently, Miss Hopton has acquired a younger sibling; a male younger sibling to take his proper place as the Hopton heir. Isaac Hopton celebrated his first year in life this past summer [Summer of 20069] in his manor surrounded by family, friends of family and the help. [Not to mention the half a dozen nannies that Judith and Rome like to keep around.]

Personality & Likes & Dislikes:

As a Capricorn, Daphne could easily be described as reserved, careful, patient, disciplined, practical, prudent and ambitious. She has, what she believes, a very realistic view of the world which for some could be deemed pessimistic. Although Miss Hopton couldn't be pegged as the most naive of little girls this, by all means, does not mean she is lacking of all innocence; in fact, there is a vast reserve of it inside her that makes her blind to a lot malice that some individuals could hold for her.

Daphne hides her lack of self-esteem and self-worth behind a facade of over confidence, and a sense of entitlement which can be interpreted as arrogance. Her need for extreme organization exists because she feels she needs the control in order to prove to others that she's capable of being independent. Something she desperately wishes to show to her Mother. Daphne values morals, and discipline so much that at times she can be judgmental and unforgiving of others if they don't share the same views.

Because she may seem cold and aloof, it is difficult for her to be approached by others. Daphne doesn't make friends easily but those that are close to her, she is fiercely loyal to and would always lend a helping hand if needed without expecting anything in return.

She likes spending time in the garden, away from prying [and criticizing] eyes while at home. Miss Daphne isn't one to indulge in junk food or sweets but she can't ever say no to home-baked almond cookies. Her favorite color is pink, which she wears in ribbons [matching ribbons with Celandine], shoes, earrings, etc. Although a soft pastel blue isn't too far away from being second favorite.

Daphne is allergic to honey.


Celandine Toussaint :: Best Friend
Garret Crocker :: Best Friend [Although she'd never admit it out loud]
Raiden Kururugi :: Best Friend
William (Isaac) Crocker :: Friend
Copernicus Kettleburn :: Frenemy [Mostly Friend But--Not Telling]
Plymouth Morgan :: Friend & Ex-Boyfriend
10:29 PM

Ian Hoshino


Ian Hoshino
Sales Manager & Advertising Section Editor
The Daily Prophet
2034 - Present

Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"

Background:Ian Hoshino is the only son in Wizarding Technology Mogul Kiri Hoshino and French-Spanish Witch Socialite, Erica Leveque's now defunct marriage. Showered with attention to the point of symbolically drowning in it, Ian developed a superiority complex harmoniously balanced with a dry wit with a side of arrogant sneers. Ian keeps his cousins and younger relatives at a distance, not willing to be associated with the likes of them.

Hoshino attended Beauxbatons, diligently abiding with his mother's wishes despite his dislike for the school's teaching methods and bouillabaisse. A loner by choice, Ian devoted his free time to usually bypassed subjects such as History of Magic, Potions, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and even including Muggle Studies. In his fifth year at Beauxbatons he was named Préfet for his unbending nature.

Graduating from Beauxbatons, Ian took a year off to travel the world, his camera as his only companion. He visited the Angel Falls in Venezuela, Madagascar, Philippines, Taiwan, Portugal and Germany. Tired of traveling (and his Father's pathetic pleas), he returned home where he worked several years under his father in the Department of Experimental Technology, creating new prototypes for the company.

Amongst his creations is the popular Super-massive Wallet, which, contrary to his name is actually quite average in size, at least upon appearance. The wallet is charmed with a space distortion spell that allows the owner to stow away large items in a dimensional pocket for later use and retrieval.

This nifty gadget is very popular amongst those Wizarding pack rats.

Yet, the work soon became boring and Ian Hoshino found himself looking for a way out of the hole he had found himself in. Finding inspiration in the newly staffed Director of the Daily Prophet, he bid his trinkets and father goodbye in place for his camera. Getting an interview was easy, landing the job was another.

Hoshino had developed a notorious reputation of being an arrogant, insensitive leader while he worked for his father. His disgruntled employees (who often left running and in tears) had spread the news of their mistreatment far and wide and the Daily Prophet was doubtful over the correct decision. With a few well placed grins (and threats), Ian was begrudgingly shoved in the slot of a Photojournalist.

Currently Ian is content with capturing the worst side of the Politicians and remarking about his coworkers incompetence.
11:54 PM

Keitaro Ito


Keitaro Ito
Hogwarts Night Class Character
- Vampire -

Nickname/Aliases: Kei, Taro-Kun. Obnoxious One. Ito
Age: 73 years old
Date of Birth: August 2, 1935
Group: Vampire


Height: 5' 9"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
General appearance: Tall, lean, does not like to comb his hair most of the time. Often wears sunglasses even at night.


Personality: Keitaro likes to randomly quote literature and individuals no one has ever heard of and boast about his "superior intellect". Although he thinks girl's are nice to look at, he doesn't pay them much attention. He doesn't have time to indulge on such things plus it's all just a hassle. Although most of the time he's quite charming he has his bad days and will not hesitate to beat whoever annoys him to the ground.

History: Born to a farming family (they cultivated bell peppers and greater burdock) in Miyakonojo in the prefecture of Miyakonojo, Kyushu Island, Keitaro Ito was surrounded by mountains and grass as soon as he entered the world. A poor family, Keitaro was put to help the family farm as soon as he was capable. At the age of 10 his mother gave birth to a baby girl. Due to complications, Keitaro’s Mother passed away during childbirth and the baby girl was born ill. The rest of his childhood was spent helping out in the farm and looking after his little sister, Tsuki, who suffered from epileptic attacks. Kei struggled with a bitter resentment towards his little sister and the instinctive need to protect her. Having an old father and a sick sister, Ito grew with a hunger for more materialistic possessions and a need to break out of the family’s farming pattern. He longed for the city life that Osaka promised but was always held back because he was afraid of leaving his sister and father alone.

When he turned 16, he heard of a new province being built. The province possessed a factory that specialized in automobile manufacturing. Wanting to start life on his own, he bid farewell to his elderly father and Tsuki (who he was very close to) in hopes of making money in the automobile business to sustain his family and moved to Hyuga, only a few hours away from Miyakonojo. He did well helping build the core of cars and gave most of his pay to his father and sister which he visited once every two weeks.

During February of 1952, the Winter Olympics were taking place in Orso, Norway. On his way to watch the first ever woman’s skiing competition in the Olympics at the local pub, Keitaro was lured by a friend to a dark alley. It was then when he was bitten. He never fully tells the whole story and does not wish to think of it. This friend not only made sure he was alive enough so that he will change but once turned, she threatened to destroy his family if he did not do as he was told.

He was her slave for several decades until he was able to free himself from her.
The methods of this feat he does not discuss nor the identity of the vampire.

Family: All deceased

Extra: He plays basketball

Pets: Chihuahua
11:18 PM

Ocean Tea Jones


Ocean Tea Jones
Past SS RPG Staff Character
Ex-Groundskeeper - Tea Plantation Owner

Nickname(s): Oche
Age: 35
DOB: October 11, 2034
Student life: Was a Slytherin at Hogwarts (2045 - 2051)
Previous Occupation: Worked in the family Tea Plantation "Wistful Leaves Inc."
Marital status: In A Relationship with Katya LeBlaireau

Appearance :
Standing at 6'2" Ocean weighs 189 lbs. He possess shaggy pale blond hair and a set of almond shaped gray eyes. There is a great cluster of freckles on his chest and back (not that he'll pick up a habit of walking around shirtless on school grounds) and he has several scars: a big ol' one on his hip from a wipeout during a Surfing Trip on Jay Bay in South Africa, small scars on both knees from skating accidents and a burn on his left forearm from a Potions "accident".

History/Background :

Ocean’s parents [names not disclosed] were American Hippies who moved to Europe to start their own Tea Plantation: “Wistful Leaves Inc.” The company was left to their only son Ocean upon their tragic death during a safari trip to Africa.
The happy couple was trampled by a distressed elephant.

Losing his parents at age 8 he was raised by his Uncle Bert who was considered the family's black sheep but he was a great philosopher (or so he thought) and instructed Ocean on how to live a stress free life.

By the age of 10, Ocean was already quite adept at many board sports his favorite being Surfing mainly because of the weather and the more than nice scenery.

A past Hogwarts student, he excelled as a Slytherin Student. He wasn’t particularly popular but he did have a large group of friends, all Slytherin. He was quite good at Transfiguration and Charms, creating several new experimental spells while he was at it. Many which are still a secret.

When he was younger he had a bit of a reckless streak and was into board sports like snowboarding, skating and surfing so from those he suffered many injuries. The worst was a broken hip from being pulled under the waves and crashing against a reef. If it wasn’t because he always carries his wand stashed in secret pockets he wouldn’t have made it out alive. Not to mention the countless times he was burned with exploding experimental potions.

Ocean accepted the job as Groundskeeper in search of a new adventure. Not that he wasn't happy growing tea leaf after tea leaf but the job was dull and he had always been a wanderer. Although he'll never admit it, he does have a soft spot for kids and one days hopes to have a large group of brats of his own, which he'll force to work at his family tea plantation in exchange for fatherly love. (heh! Just kidding! Sort of...)

Allergies: None

Hobbies: Surfing, Skating, Snowboarding, Gardening.

Likes: Tea, Pastries, Crups, Play wrestling, poetry, theater and classical music

Dislikes: Phonies. Prissy Pants and Cheese Weasels.
10:45 PM

Kim Dae Sun

Kim Dae Sun
Teen!Witch Editor-in-Chief

Full Name: Daesun Kim
DOB: April, 3rd, 2046
Place of Birth: Bristol, England
Nickname(s): Dae, Sunny, Whichever
Age: 26
Parentage: Pureblood
Height/Weight: 5’3” 106 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Wand: Phoenix tail feather, birch, 11 1/4 inches.
Position in Teen!Witch: Editor in Chief
Education: Hogwarts - Hufflepuff (2057-2064)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Sunny's two front teeth are a little larger than usual; they can even be called bunny-like in appearance.

Appearance: Sun's hair is something that is ever changing in length and style. She likes to alter it with magic (and wigs!) according to her moods. Most of the time, it stays the same shade or something of a dark auburn. A fan of pencil skirts, Daesun keeps her closet full of them as she considers them an essential item for proper work attire. Her feet are always wearing pumps, be they peep toe or otherwise. She's chic, modern and sexy without seeming trashy--at least while in the workplace. At home, Daesun is extremely casual, preferring to bum around in baggy sweats and over sized sweatshirts.

Dae Sun's eyes, although small, are bright and expressive and she does her best to make them look bigger with the aid of crafty make-up. She considers her best feature to be her fleshy lips. Sunny is quite proud of them and declares herself, to whoever is listening while at a cocktail party, be pretty darned kissable.

Her legs are thinner than she would like (as is her backside) but her hips are wide and her chest, although small compared to most, is just a smidgen than above average. All of this on her small frame makes her look a little stout in thoughtless outfits. Keen on not letting this happen, Sunny avoids wearing outfits that will make her look much more squat than she already is. Dresses that make her torso appear longer are her best friend.

About Sunny: Daesun wasn't exactly born into a privileged family. Galleons did not fall from the sky unto her father's lap. However, by the time she had hid her pre-teen years, the Kims were already well off. It is because of this fact that Sunny has a bit of a self entitled air about her. Of course, this is all upon first appearance. The truth is, she isn't nearly as snobby as she appears. The truth is, she's actually the most humble Kim daughter.

Sunny is a bundle of, well, sunshine in a small package for the most part. There is always a smile on her face, exposing the world with her less than perfect smile and Sun wouldn't have it any other way. After years of struggling with self-image issues she has finally learned to embrace herself the way she is: imperfect but beautiful. She tries to keep Teen!Witch positive, chic, and with the times without sacrificing her morals and warping the minds of young witches. Needless to say, Daesun despite all her dorky laughter (comprimised of wheezing, grunts and snorts) is very serious about her job.

Sunny is a hopeless romantic who likes to collect Muggle romantic comedies. She watches them every Sunday with her cats, Gucci and Prada, eating Neapolitan ice cream right out of the carton. Unfortunately, because she is so driven about her work, Daesun hasn't had much of a chance to excel in the dating field. It doesn't please her very traditional parent who can't wait for the day she announces her wedding to a nice businessman. Preferably Asian. Sunny doesn't have the heart to tell them that, well, she's just not that into Asian men as they would like. It isn't that she's against her own race, that would be preposterous but Sunny wants a thrilling and exciting relationship with a 'foreigner'. The stuff movies are made of!

Likes: Clothes, romantic comedies, romance novels, laughing until her belly hurts, pretty blue eyes, pretty hair, collecting nail polish, imperfect smiles, pickled vegetables (yum kimchi!), hair products, post-its, pretty scented stationary, classical musical instruments (mostly just strings, though), pastel colors, pencil skirts, pumps, ice cream, love songs, collecting silverware, french cuisine

Dislikes: Mice, Rats, VERMIN!, extreme feminists, hags, pessimists

- To become a good role model for teenage girls
- Get that ghoul out of the cafeteria's kitchen once and for all
- Go on a date and not be positively and horribly awkward

- Ending up alone with her fat cats, Gucci and Prada
- Breaking a heel in public

Dae comes from a wealthy Wizarding family. Her Father is a business man who once used to sell cheap organic potion ingredients in the streets until he started his own little shop. That shop grew into a bigger shop into an even bigger one. Eventually, he started having several establishments open in different locations all over Europe. Currently, he’s planning to expand his potion ingredients franchise to the United States. Her mother designs high couture Wizarding robes and gowns for women. Sunny is the youngest of three sisters,

- Jae Hyung Kim & Yuri Kim (Parents)
- Sooyoung (28) & Chaeyoung (31) - Sisters
- Has two fat cats named Gucci and Prada. Might as well be family.
1:27 AM

Hadley Reegan MacLean

It's A Cataclysm
seventeen, male, lanky, eccentric, outrageous, talented.
Looks like Matthew Hitt

Be this sunset soon forgotten
Your brothers left here shaved and crazy
We've learned to hide our bottles in the well
And what's worth keeping, sun still sinking

Hey! My name is Hadley Reegan MacLean
You can call me Hadley, Haddie, Reegan, MacLean
I am seventeen years old
I was born on July 27th.
Right now, I'm a senior.
You can see that I am a male.
I'm into both so that makes me bisexual
You could say I run with Thespians & Nerds 

APPEARANCE Looming at six feet and two inches tall, Hadley is comfortable enough with his height to just not give a damn. He is lanky; way too lanky; and he doesn't care either. His hair is his own little guinea pig. Usually, the experiments turn out okay if he dyes it a few shades lighter (or darker) and sometimes they don't, say when he decides to shave a good half of his head. Usually, though, it stays in some kind of shade of brown. His eyes are big, bright and brown to go with his almost child-like curiosity with everything. Over his pale body, Hadley is covered in all sorts of moles, varying in size and color. He considers these enough body decorations to keep him away from tattoos and body piercings. Hadley's style can be described as something of a hybrid between geek chic and urban punk.

Hadley is genuinely an easy-going person. He'll give a friendship a shot even with the earthworms in your Mother's garden. He truly does try his best, however, he tends to drift off to his own little world when conversation grows dull. Hadley's blank stare is infamous in his circle of friends and even for some teachers at Bay Grove High School.

Theater is his passion. He loves the thrill of performing for others. When he's not preparing for school plays, he's trying out for small commercials or modeling for local magazines. In the future, he hopes to start his own indie rock-pop group called "Cephalopods Love Bob". As it is, he often carries a beaten up leather book that is filled with lyrics and poems in preparation for his stardom.

Hadley also has a bit of a passion for online gaming. Addicted to facebook for the mere fact of all the farming games, he gets a kick out of spamming people's newsfeed. He loves playing The Sims 2, World of Warcraft, Plants vs Zombies and Bejeweled Blitz. He doesn't always like to stay at home tinkering on the computer or with his guitar so he does go to parties--although, most of the time, he isn't technically invited.

Yeah, he likes to crash parties. At least he does it with style.

I'm super fond of electro-pop, pop-rock, indie boys, theater, movies, croissants, iced coffee, twitter, his cat: Icarus

But I do not care for crocs, clams, people who try too hard to be different, football

Some of my aspirations include
+ Achieve Super Stardom!
+ Finally finish that 10000 piece puzzle
+ For one of his sims to freakin' not set themselves on fire

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Death of Icarus
+ Earthquakes
+ Going blind


History Hadley's Mom is a bit of a local legend. Small town girl who made it big in Hollywood--at least for two movies on the silver screen and a straight-to-DVD sequel of one of her previous movies. All the same, it comes to no surprise to Hadley's Nana that he has his personal angel when he's on stage. He was born to be a performing artist. Hadley's Dad though, doesn't agree with Hadley's pursuits and insists he focuses on his studies and chooses a more practical career like Law or Medicine. To please his father, Haddey works hard in balancing both his love for the dramatic and his grades. He does marvelously well though, despite his habit of zoning out in class when the teacher keeps going over the same subject matter for the slower students. Hadley doesn't like to call himself popular, but he can't deny he is well known in various cliques. It's kind of hard to miss him when he is every damn play ever performed since he was a freshman. Plus, after his on-stage prolonged very racy tongue-kiss with 'Juliet' AND THEN randomly smooching 'Tybalt' for no apparent reason during his Sophomore year he became quiet infamous.  

My family is Interesting
+ Momma, Pops, Nana, little sister.
+ Fenryr Robinson, Yamid MacLean, Nana?, Evelyn
+ a cat named Icarus  

EXTRA! EXTRA! He likes you already and he doesn't even know you.
11:58 PM

Gael Marsellesa

Name: Gael Marsellesa
Age: 21
Parentage: Half Blood
Height/Weight: 5'10
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue

Background: Gael was born to a muggle nurse mother and a wizard father along with his twin sister Gina. He is older by four minutes and 45 seconds. They studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where they spent a large part of their time in detention or running about the premises. He excelled in Herbology, Potions, Charms and Transfiguration. Gael although he lets his twin pummel him often is quite quick at the draw which won him a second place in a Dueling Tournament. His sister, of course, won first place with a quick freezing spell.

Personality: Gael is extremely playful, flirtatious and charming. He loves physical exercise of all kinds. Although he would never admit it he is quite a dreamer and is secretly a virgin. He hopes to hold off until he finds the perfect woman whom he shall marry and dedicate his life to only to have lots and lots of children. Gael likes to read science fiction and comic books in his spare time and loves fish and birds so much that he has a massive tank filled with salt water creatures. He also lives with his sister in a flat.
12:04 AM

Gina Marsellesa


Gina Marsellesa
Hissy Character - TDS
St. Mungo's Healer - 4th Floor : Spell Damage

Age: 28
Parentage: Half Blood
Height/Weight: 5' 3/ 126 lb
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue

Background: Gina was born to a muggle nurse mother and a wizard father along with her twin brother Gael. They studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where they spent a large part of their time in detention or running about the premises. Gina excelled in Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic and DADA. Gina won first place at the Dueling Tournament held in her fifth year at Hogwarts.

Personality: Gina is freakishly strong for her size and often treats her brother like a punching bag. Her highly competitive nature often gets her in trouble. Way too talkative for her own good, she gives off the air of being a hussy, tramp, among other things but has only had two boyfriends before which she cared for deeply and ended up breaking her heart. However, just like her brother, she's a dreamer and knows that one day she'll fall in love with the right man for her. One that will complete her. He doesn't need to be perfect as long as he makes her happy. She too wants a large family and loves plants. Her flat is covered in vines and herbs. She's a marvelous cook and is often trying to get her brother to learn to at least make a proper Omelette. Gina likes to sew on her spare time. She makes her own clothes and once dreamed of being a famous fashion designer.
2:18 PM

Quinn Maxwell

Quinn Maxwell
Wizarding Musician

Parentage: Half-blood
Height/Weight: 6'2"
Hair Colour: Pale blond
Eye colour: Gray

Background: Muggle father, witch mother, Quinn was raised by his father when his mother died giving birth to him. A struggling musician his father raised his son on literature and scores. He can play the piano, the guitar and the cello. However, he has always preferred the guitar finding the sound friendlier than the nostalgic music of the piano and the stuffy melody of the cello.

Personality: Shy and quiet. Quinn has a habit of stuttering when angry or nervous. He likes to keep to himself more than anything. He enjoys writing poetry when alone and of course writing and composing new songs.
2:57 PM

Payton James McNiven

It's A Cataclysm
charismatic, smooth, suave, manipulative, intelligent, male, seventeen
Looks like Playby Scott Porter

So just have fun, it's far enough
Everybody needs to sleep at night, everybody
needs a crutch. But couldn't good be good
enough? 'Cos nothin' ever doesn't change
but nothin' changes much.

Hey! My name is Payton James McNiven 
You can call me Payton, McNiven, most people do anyways. 
I am seventeen 
I was born on November 12 
Right now, I'm a senior in high school 
You can see that I am a male 
I'm into girls so that makes me heterosexual 
You could say I run with Populars & Jocks 

McNiven isn't the tallest boy at school, but he certainly knows how to stand-out in a crowd. Physically fit, McNiven is a bit of a gym rat. He likes his muscles and has no plans in abandoning his routine for anyone, as of yet. His brown hair, that appears a light golden brown in the sunlight, is kept short for obvious reasons. He's a pretty low-maintenance guy despite his fascination with his body. He shaves when he needs to and isn't entirely foreign to showing up at school with a scruffy face. Payton's eyes are an odd golden brown in color.


Payton is all about the parties, and usually, the parties are all about Payton. He likes to hang out with the popular crowd because they supply him the attention he craves. They also happen to jam packed with the females and Payton hasn't met a girl he would say no to yet. Well, alright, he's met a few but for the most part he's game anytime. Lately though, he's been getting his fill of attention from Hudson. Sorry, girls!

When he's done partying it through the off-season, McNiven dedicates himself 100 percent to football. He's a proud Center for Bay Grove's Lions and he isn't ashamed to say it. Truth, they haven't brought the Championship Cup, ever, and he's hoping that this year would be their year. After all, it's his last year at Bay Grove and he's like to leave with a little more than just a few well played games as a reputation. 

I'm super fond of football, working out, making-out ;], reading, not that he makes a big deal out o fit, parties, steak, Nikki. 

But I do not care for druggies, extremists, feminism, hippies, fish, beans, frogs 

Some of my aspirations include
+ College Football Scholarship
+ Making the NFL
+ Be worth more than 2.5 $ 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Getting injured
+ Frog Infestation
+ Getting a girl pregnant


Despite appearances, McNiven's life isn't as rosy and perfect as people might think. His childhood was tumultuous to say the least. Just when he was six years old, McNiven was molested by one of his Father's cousins. Every year, when the family got together, Payton, when no one was watching him, Payton would be swept away by this woman to one of the bedrooms and forced and touched against his will. Feeling that this happened because he deserved it and because his Aunt would tell him that if he talked it would make her really sad, Payton kept quiet for four years until he finally confessed to his Mother.

This caught a lot of fighting between his parents. His Mother threatened with divorce if they didn't call the police, but his Father had a reputation to keep. Why would the Chief of Police of Bay Grove call the cops on his own cousin? For molesting his own child, of all things? They kept it quiet, and Payton's Mother stopped threatening with divorce for Payton's sake. Ever since then, she became over protective of her son who pretended to be a happy child just to keep his Mother from crying.

His father was the source of lots of fear for McNiven in the past. He'd drink heavily on weekends, and even while on the job. When he'd get home he'd beat Payton, called him obscene names, and blamed him for all the animosity between himself and his family. Tired of being his Father's punching bag, Payton picked up football as soon as he hit puberty and hit the weights. He grew big in time, and when his Father tried to strike him one time, Payton hit back. It was the end of the beatings but certainly not of the verbal and emotional abuse.

To this date, he doesn't bring anyone home. He tells no one about what happened with his aunt, and pretends that he doesn't hear his Mother cry herself to sleep every single night.

Perhaps it is because of his scarred past that Payton seems to bounce from female to female, looking for that comfort that he can't seem to just grasp. Whenever he feels like he finally has a hold of it, it just slips through his fingers. He has a feeling he's finally found it in Hudson, however, lately, things seem to be a little off.

Although he's actually more fond of Nikki than he'd let on, Payton finds himself a bit confused about where their relationship is going. She's not as receptive and warm as she's used to be and, well, although the sex is still pretty much mind blowing after it's all said and done--there's nothing there to keep them in the same bed together. At the same time that he's having his doubts about where he stands in Hudson's life, Payton's eyes have caught sigh of a new freshman.

Hannah Parker is everything Nikki is not; sweet, innocent, naive, and obviously a virgin. He's not sure what out of all those qualities attract him, or what combination, but he can't stop noticing her when he walks down the corridors of Bay Grove High. Just when he thinks she's out of his mind, she pops up in his brain, confusing the hell out of him. He's tempted to let his instinct grab a hold of him if only to brink Nikki back to his side--but for whatever reason, the idea of tainting poor little Hannah Maye Parker has him doubting everything he's worked hard to achieve, his past and himself.

My family is all levels of fucked up
+ Mom and Dad
+ Jenna & Kyle McNiven
+ Nope.
7:14 PM

Lulu Patterson

Wild. Talkative. Random. Imaginative. Fearless. Ten. GIRL.


My name is Lulu Patterson
You can call me Lulu, DUH.
I am ten years old.
I was born November 9th, 2061.
Right now, I am in primary school, BLARR! In Key stage 2, Year 6. I am awesome.
My parents are muggles so that makes me muggleborn
You can see that I am ALL GIRL
You could say I run with the neighborhood terrors BUWAHA.


Little Lulu is, by all means, not a very put together little lady. She’s far more preoccupied about completing imaginary quests, and keeping her title as QUEEN OF THE PLAYGROUND to be bothered by her soiled clothes. Her hair is a bit outrageous. It is dark and shiny but tends to stick out in all sorts of directions. At its best, it holds the shape of a well rounded and lustrous helmet.

Her big brown eyes are always sparkling with some kind of light, be it mischief or any other. On her cheeks, there exists a light layer of freckles. Lulu isn’t entirely opposed to them but she doesn’t like it having it pointed out to her.


Lulu lives with her Mum and Stepfather. She has an older sister named Elizabeth. She’s supposed to be off at College studying Journalism but who knows where she really is. Elizabeth hasn’t contacted her home since she left the house. Lulu is a firm believer that Elizabeth has been abducted by aliens where she gets ‘appledectomies’ against her will. Needless to say, Lulu doesn’t like apples at all.
At the moment, she’s just busy breeding hamsters and dreaming of becoming some kind of ROCK GODDESS.

I’m super fond of hopscotch, double dutch, Dutch in general. Hamsters. Anything with fur and eyes. Popcorn and biscuits, and enjoys juggling/balancing random things.

But I do not care for apples, boys, sandboxes, sand in general, walls, homework and exams.

Some of my aspirations include:
+ Having an army of furry creatures
+ Liberating Elizabeth from the Aliens.

A few fears sometimes get in the way:
+ FINALS!1!!!!11
+ Broccoli
+ Ole men with hair coming out of their ears and nose.


Lulu has led a normal magic free childhood so far. That she knows of.

My family is getting in my waaay!
+ Mom and Stepdad
+ Jean and Ben
+ A basset hound named Jinro
3:24 AM

Oakley Uaine Siege

It's A Cataclysm
talented, rebellious, outspoken, sarcastic, easily distracted, male, fifteen
Looks like Boyd Holbrook

You know enough to know the way
Six billion people just one name (I found)
I found tomorrow in today
Apocalyptic and insane, my dreams will never change.

Hey! My name is Oakley Uaine Siege 
You can call me Oak, Siege 
I am fifteen 
I was born on birthdate 
Right now, I'm a sophomore 
You can see that I am amale 
I'm into girls so that makes me heterosexual, babeh. 
You could say I run with Musicians and Populars 
Oakley may be fifteen but he certainly doesn't look it. He's not only mature for his age, or so he thinks, but his looks garners attentions from older crowds as well. For a fifteen year old, Oak can certainly sprout some facial hair if he forgets to shave. He tries not to make a habit of it but sometimes he's too busy partying, writing and playing to care about his hygiene.
His blond hair is naturally light although Oak sometimes tends to bleach it white for maximum effect. He likes standing out. He likes being noticed. His height helps him accomplish all of this by allowing Oakley to stand at six feet and three inches. His eyes are a bright blue, contrasting with his pale skin.
It comes with no surprise that his choice in attire is often more questionable than not. Siege's favorite colors are black, silver, and red. He's not opposed to wearing other colors, though. Still, his wardrobe is composed mostly of his favorites. He's a bit inspired by fashion in Japanese rock. Oakley used to really be into visual kei but that has faded away and instead, he likes to mix and match styles depending on his artistic mood.

Oakley Uaine Seige loves Bay Grove. Don't get him wrong, no, really, he loves it in his detached, can't believe I live with cows sort of way. He's not really interested in school. He's more interested in finding ways of exploiting his talent to get what he wants: attention in the form of girls and a one way ticket out of the little town. Having a penchant for the dramatic, Oakley usually finds himself attracted to the dramatic girls; the ones that can fill him with ecstasy and hopelessness all at once. All Siege wants to do is find his next muse in whatever shape or form he can get.

Oakley, despite his goals, is a farm boy at hand. His parents own a farm in the outskirts of Bay Grove where they grow a few local crops, particularly wild blueberries. Oakley's Mother is known for her blueberry pie, the same blueberry pie that the local diner sells. While not at school he helps out at home as best as his teenager angst allows him. Most of the time, though, he usually steals the tractor and rides around the roads purposely blocking whatever traffic may come.  

I'm super fond of j-rock, Japanese variety shows (they're fucking crazy, okay?), girls, parties, the city, Alien Ant Farm, 30 Seconds to Mars, black nail polish, Pepsi, high top shoes, tumblr, writing, books, horror films, vampires, zombies, dogs, plaid, harry potter, pistachio ice cream, green tea, blueberry pie, hunting 

But I do not care for preppy idiots, cows, cousins who try to make out with him, pep rallies, homecoming, when umbrellas fail you just when you need them, yellow markers, pink slips of disappointment, stupid moose who get lost in our farm, cats 

Some of my aspirations include
+ Becoming an International Rock God
+ Spray Painting a Moose
+ Scoring a Record Deal 

A few fears sometimes get in the way
+ Death, obviously
+ Mice
+ Having to repeat a year in High School


Oakley's family has always been in Bay Grove. His Mother's side of the family come from Welsh immigrants while his Father's side of the family are English. Oak's Pops owns the last remaining shipyard in Bay Grove that now serves as a museum. They haven't truly made a sailing ship in over a decade. His Dad hopes Oakley will take over the shipyard and the farm one day but Siege Junior has other plans.

When Oak was in elementary school, he used to play a lot of basketball and quite enjoyed baseball too. He practiced both sports all throughout middle school but found a new calling in Junior High School when in English class they were assigned to write a song that was Christmas themed. Having received praise for shown promise, Oakley decided to pursue his more artistic abilities rather than his athletic ones.

It wasn't until he started winning talent shows that Oakley rose to popularity. Previously, he had just been a normal kid with normal grades who was actually pretty geeky and nerdy. He still is the same boy he always way, in secret. Oakley just has bigger and broader dreams that he hopes will take him out and away from Bay Grove to a big city where the lights are always on. 

My family is the reason I write emo songs from time to time
+ Pops, Mom, Younger Twin Sisters
+ Raymond Siege (43), Gwendolynn Kendrick-Siege (36), Hamlet Emily and Emily Macbeth Siege (Both 9 years old)
+ Gred & Forge (Sheep dogs) 

Oakley is pretty geeky if you look past that rock facade.
4:47 PM

Cameron Warbuck


Name: Cameron Warbuck
Alias(es): Cam, Cammy
DOB: June 6th, 2041
Age: 28
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Green
Defining Features: Tick long lashes just like his little sister.

Education –

House: None

History --

Cameron was born to a Spanish Witch and an Irish Muggle Lawyer. Being the oldest of the Warbuck Clan isn’t an easy task, but Cam took well too it with a charm and unique sense of humor since the beginning. His childhood (and—actually, current) hobby was to pick on his younger siblings, especially on his only baby sister, Celestina Warbuck. All of the children were close to their Mother. She was a bright and affectionate woman, with a patient disposition for her otherwise hyperactive family. Even though he pretended to be ‘manly’ ever since he was toddler her was, by all means, very much a Momma’s boy.

Having struggled with depression for several years, Mrs. Warbuck overdosed on sleeping pills. His little sister, Bucky (Celestina), found her. Papa Warbuck was at his office, working as usual, when he heard his Baby Sister’s scream. Scared, he ran to the source of the screams to find his sister shaking the limp body of his Mother in the dark. Because he was the ‘man’ of the family while Papa was away, he never shed a tear even as he had to pry his sister off his Mother and call the police and then his own Father to announce the death of his Mum.

To this day, Cameron doesn’t much speak of that night and has trouble truly expressing his emotions which makes his romantic relationships unstable and short-lasting.

Papa Warbuck, Celestina, Casey and Curtis

Pets: N/A

Allergies: N/A

Likes: Sunglasses, the color green, rocking chairs, and windy days.

shiny objects, shiny clothes, shiny period, the color blue, and stupid little stationary with a bunch of hearts in it.
5:49 PM

Casey Warbuck


Name: Casey Warbuck
Alias(es): N/A
DOB: March 25, 2043
Age: 26
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Defining Features: He wears glasses.

Education –

House: None

History --

Casey was born to a Spanish Witch and an Irish Muggle Lawyer. The ‘middle’ child of the Warbuck’s was a recluse since an early age. Casey always preferred to play by himself, play with the magnetic ABC’s on the fridge to write words to make his Momma proud and to tie and untie his shoes repeatedly; by himself, because he was a big little man. All of the children were close to their Mother. She was a bright and affectionate woman, with a patient disposition for her otherwise hyperactive family.

Having struggled with depression for several years, Mrs. Warbuck overdosed on sleeping pills.
Casey detached himself even more from his family and the world and focused solely on expanding his education. He’s a bit of a linguist and decided to go to College to study to become a High School Chemistry teacher.

Family: Papa Warbuck, Celestina, Cameron and Curtis

Pets: N/A

Allergies: Pollen

Likes: Strawberries, plants, black and white photos, manila folders

Dislikes: Jewelry, clutter and tomatoes.